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Do I Really Need Duct Cleaning?

Inside of a slightly dusty duct

In the world of HVAC maintenance, routine duct cleaning is often presented as a necessary service. While clean ducts sound appealing, it isn't necessary to do it on a routine schedule.

According to research and guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there's no conclusive evidence that duct cleaning prevents health problems or significantly improves air quality. Generally, dust and debris in the ducts do not enter living spaces in significant amounts. The EPA suggests considering duct cleaning only in specific situations like:

  • Visible mold growth inside the ducts

  • Infestation by vermin

  • If ducts are clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris

The push for routine duct cleaning services can often be traced back to HVAC companies trying to make extra profit. With attractive service packages and the promise of a healthier home environment, it's easy to see why many homeowners schedule duct cleaning. However, this service is often more about profit than genuine need, and can sometimes be harmful to your home if done incorrectly.

Return Air Grille

The best course of action is to inspect your ducts yourself before paying for a cleaning. Take off your filter and look into the entrance to your ducts. If there is no mold, no severe dust buildup, and no signs of rodent activity, you probably don't need a duct cleaning. You may just need to change your filter!

If the air quality in your home is a concern you have, give us a call and we'll see how we can help. We'll bring our air quality testing tools and get to the root cause of your issue without trying to sell you a duct cleaning package.

Remember, a well-maintained HVAC system and regular filter changes are often all it takes to keep your air clean and your home healthy.

Follow this link to check out the EPA's stance on duct cleaning:

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